Debbie L. Cole - Christian Author and Shepherd
As an experienced shepherd, sheep owner, dog handler, and a devoted Christian, I shed light on how our relationship with Jesus parallels His love for the sheep of this world. With my experience, I possess a deep insight into their nature and tendencies. Read more about Debbie L. Cole.
Spreading the Love from Christ
As a skilled sign language interpreter, I have presented many classes and lectures on our relationship with God to Deaf and Hearing audiences. I love spreading the love of Christ with my husband Kip, two daughters, eleven grandchildren, and everyone around me.

Why I Write
During an intense struggle in my life, I became more aware and submissive to God’s will. I was seeking a deeper relationship with Him, and for the first time in my life, I opened up to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. God had already put me on a trajectory of herding sheep and learning about them. He used my time in the sheep fields to teach me how my relationship with my ewes paralleled my relationship as a sheep with God and the Good Shepherd, Jesus.
Lessons from Being a Shepherd
Using my experiences as a shepherd, the LORD guided my heart and spirit to consider my observations and reflections in the field. I began to understand how it corresponded with my relationship to the LORD. I felt God was holding a mirror to my face and convicting my soul through self-examination.

Spreading Love Through Christianity
The Holy Spirit brought scriptures to my mind emphasizing and reinforcing the lessons learned. My heart and soul filled with joy and peace as my eyes were opened to the depth of His love and care. I journaled each scenario along with scriptures for months. Then, God laid it on my heart to share my lessons with fellow Christians and non-believers helping them know why we need Jesus, the Good Shepherd.